Welcome to my new blog ...
So whats all this about? Well, wood working has been an interest of mine for quite some time, but living on a small boat doesnt really (in my opinion) lend itself to a suitable environment - not for a complete beginner anychoice. Now I am land based and living in a house with a free room I have the perfect opportunity.
Why blog? Up to this point I have been an avid armchair wood worker, All the Gear and No Idea!. But I have found that reading other peoples blogs has helped me learn some of the theory behind wood working. So if other people just starting out can learn anything from me or most likely my mistakes then its worthwhile. Also, by documenting my progression it serves as a motivator to continue when things go wrong, not to mention input and comments from readers.
So where are we? Like I said I own a small number of hand tools, some inherited from my boat and some purchased new. The tools that came with the boat are a bit old and not in the best condition, most being rusty. I will spend some time cleaning and trying to make these usable. The new tools have never been used and are still preserved in polythene bags smeared with Vaseline - tools rust on boats! I will post in detail about the tool collection soon.
The initial plan is to sort out a work area with some kind of bench. Store and (learn to) sharpen my tools. Then make a few small bench tools as beginner projects.
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